Reaping chakram. While Suda's hatred of destruction seems. Reaping chakram

<i> While Suda's hatred of destruction seems</i>Reaping chakram  It means that any given enemy can drop up to three orbs on death and his 4+2 combo with the augment often covers the floor with them

. Explore . . I guess I don't know what Reaping Chakram is supposed to do. its a mod that doesn't alter the ability as augments are supposed to do. Vortex's duration is increased by 70% of its Maximum Duration for each additional Vortex thrown into it. Reaping Chakram. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise eventually that 10% getting through will exceed your entire health pool at high levels. Reaping Chakram is an option for builds that use the Blazing Chakram ability. Damage is still kinda meh even if you're using Reaping Chakram Chakram has fucky tracking even though it's supposed to bounce to enemies. (Reaping) Chakram is the most used abilty in this game for my Nezha, later Nezha Prime (main). by KNIF3 — last updated 3 years ago (Patch 29. Currently there is "0" sources to get the item from. Ensnare is chosen because it pulls large groups of enemies into a small area which can then be combined with Divine Spears and [Reaping Chakram] to nuke the entire group. 2nd, whenever halo wears off it stuns nearby enemies and gives u a short period of invincibility that lets u recast halo without issue. With reaping chakram you'll never want for health orbs. Since Nezha's Revisit I haven't really had a problem with Blazing Chakram. Reaping Chakram. Adaptation is a plus but not as useful as in other tanky warframes IMHO as it does not help mitigating the damage on the halo, so more armor would always help. level 1 · 4 yr. It's insane how tanky Nezha can be. 4 for more crowd control and cast 2 to deal more damage get energy health and all that juicy stuff. once they made punch through press and hold for blazing chakram, they could have just boosted the damage and orb chance of blazing chakram across the board. This thread is archived . His fire is the clarion of hope. 2 0. Repelling Bastille. Update 21. Additionally it increases the spawn percentage for health orbs for each enemy hit. The 2x damage is nice and all but the main thing is the chance for Health orb to drop. It has so much potential, but everytime I use it, the chakram always bounces off random walls and not enemies, which really wastes Reaping Chakram's killing potential. Ferramentas. Blazing chakram is an incredibly janky mobility ability, but one of the best damage buffs in the game. Nezha can be equipped with the following items: Warframe Cosmetics Warframe Augment ModsBefore I say anything, lemme just acknowledge how well this rework has been done. Has anyone else experienced this? its a big issue because without them bouncing correctly they barely do any. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Reaping Chakram. Reaping Chakram doesn't actually work. Streamline I still like to have personally, and continuity. Vauban, CC everything. It does still duplicate when fully charged. His quiescent is ‘Frictionless’. Bug. Only 1 spark. Keep in mind I’m still learning so I could be totally wrong about everything :)[Reaping Chakram] is an optional augment that can fit over [Augur Reach], giving 3 health orbs every kill, which drastically increases the energy converted if you find you need it. Comprising ex-Grineer forces born with a genetic flaw that enables them to disobey the Grineer Queens, its goal is to protect and defend what their brothers and sisters would seek to destroy. It has 3 utility effects. Streamline, on the other hand, can be used to improve ability efficiency in general. Polarity: Zenurik (=). Vauban, Crowd Control (Bastille/Vortex, Tether Coil, Tesla Nervos), DPS (Flechete Orb, Photon Stike, Tesla Bank), Buffing (Overdriver) Debuffing (Bastille)I prefer Reaping Chakram as it is a nice why to make sure you're topped up on health, especially since the damage boost you get from the base ability is good enough that you should be using it anyways. . 00 instead of 259. Combine that with the multiple projectiles and possibility of bouncing between targets that hitting speared enemies gives and you can turn a crowd into orbs. When they die they drop health and energy orbs like candy thanks to Reaping Chakram. Copy. Posts: 8. Our boi Rio said not to worry about white number damage, well Reaping Chakram and its big dicc exponential damage would like a word. ago. Makes me wish they'd rework the functionality of blazing chakram to make it a bit more useful for dealing dmg on its own Not sure about that. Fixed Nezha's Blazing Chakram not displaying a Damage stat in the Arsenal. Use 4 and then 2 to multiply the number of blazing chakrams bouncing between enemies which. it can scale up to sortie , but then its damage starts to fall off. If you're going to lean into generating extra health orbs, you should make sure you can pick them up and get some extra benefit from them. This is an overview of Nezha's abilities and one of many strategies of using Nezha. And for exilus it's Mobilize cause I love added jumping powah. Report Save. Parasitic Link: NO They can be linked to you, but only until the bubble appears. The game…Now he is able to utilize mods such as rage/hunter adrenaline, adaptation, health conversion, and equilibrium, including arcanes such as guardian and grace, and with the change to his reaping chakram augment this frame is. Nezha 4 Wisp 3 Nezha 2 (with reaping chakram of course) For those of you that understand what this will likely do. The chakram interactions would be cool if Reaping Chakram wasn't essentially a must have for it to work. Brief respite will also works great for your Shield gate. Sure, his abilities aren't the nuke type of dps, but the damage vulnerability on enemies hit by his chakram is wonderful, and with {reaping chakram} equipped, the chakram itself on a group of speared enemies. Linking does not stun or stop them. The debuff on the 2 is where it’s at when you’re fighting something that. Additionally it increases the spawn percentage for health orbs for each enemy hit. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by ?x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +?x. Could replace reaping chakram, equilibrium and streamline with duration mods and get an extra 60% DR from Null Star. Welcome (Back) to Warframe! “The Zariman cries out. Warframe is a game grounded in familiar ideas saturated with distinct style and flair. If Chakram isn't usable, then his 4 is kinda meh. 3. Chakram went from being the least used ability in Nezha to being the most used. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . Want my glyph ?ChannelSteam Grouphtt. Hello everyone and welcome to another Warframe build article. When used with the Equilibrium, your Nezha has it own selfmaintence. I used to main Nezha, and this is the main reason I dropped him. lilygo sim7600g. Honestly the best ones are the ones you don't remember since you basically think they are part of the ability. Also yeet Nail Throwers at Nullies to remove their bubbles. Since I tend to use blazing chakram only for the damage bonus and forced hp drops, extra survivability on the companion is a very nice alternative. It significantly improves Nezha’s health, allowing him to last longer and overcome his low health pool. It's definitely not the best, but damn it's fun. Reaping Chakram lets you make enough Health Orbs to turn you and your squad into a bunch of mini-Inaros's. Reaping Chakram - more health orbs for equilibrium; Augur secrets/Umbral intensify - go beyond gloom cap; Streamline - reduce drain and costs; Arcanes. ★★★. I've been playing Nezha recently, and just have a few ideas for some very slight tweaks to improve his kit. Transient Fortitude (Max Rank) This gives Nezha like 1,000+ HP, somewhere around 700 armor IIRC, 152% Duration, 130% Efficiency, 100% Range, and 221% Strength. Maglev and Rush are a must for me. There is the Exception in the. Augment Mod: Reaping Chakram increases the damage of the ability by each enemy hit and a higher chance to drop health orbs. Leilões Rivens | Liches. The duplicated charged chakrams also only fly straight, so it tends to make a lot less duplicates. High strength isn't that important because the augment doubles chakram's total damage and afterburn damage every hit, including hits on its way back to you. Around this time I thought it was a gimmick for frames that could generate orbs. Reaping Chakram. Noted your desire to take this build into Steel Path. I can put a Saryn to shame in a Hydron match! Nezha is a favourite of mine. Additionally it increases the spawn percentage for health orbs for each enemy hit. Damage aside, his 2 now makes all enemies it hits take double damage, and the vulnerability scales with power strength. And Fire Walker can go on any frame now. Reaping Chakram is a Warframe Augment Mod for Nezha that causes the projectile of Blazing Chakram to increase the caused damage for each enemy hit by the attack. The mercurial firemonger protects the innocent. Blazing Chakram always generate red orbs and. Ivara: Concentrated Arrow (Artemis Bow Augment) Fires a single arrow that, on headshots, has +50% critical chance and. Introduced in Update 18. Also has a solid crowd control ultimate, and a fire trail (which removes status afflictions as well when walked on). Nezha appears in Journey to the West, under the command of his father Li Jing. i like to play solo because my internet and pc are both trash but playing rhino wukong and inaros gets boring after a whileDear Tennos, Im looking for some Nezha advice in how to play her, role, Ability synergy and weapons to use. He lacks the clone and recovery, but and I'm unsure if arena foes are immune to CC, but Nezha can wipe fields with his 4 and his 2. This build is one of the crafty warframe can be utilized at the commencement due to his apparent movement being a bit lubricious for most participants as Nezha inclines to drift. RedXDD •. I'd use Transient Fortitude + Intensify/Augur Secrets. Reaping Chakram being bugged is a total deal-breaker. And Nekros/despoil+health conversion and shield of shadows, ultra tank mode :)reaping chakram is a good example of a mod used to fix a power. I would 100% still rather have 0% chance of death, than the option to make maybe 3 mildly different builds. Nezha Yaksha Skin. As it stands, the Operator glaive has a crazy amount of accuracy. Chakram has infinite Punch Through towards enemies and allies, but will still bounce off of terrain. Copy. Reactivate to instantly travel to the ring's location. 227. More posts from the. Hull breach on railjack is common, we also fly out into space using archwings, and apparently takes damage from lack of oxygen even though. Those that i see but rarely are Ember, nova, valkyr, banshee, oberon, mag, chroma, sevagoth, caliban, protea, gara, atlas and i could go on, these days 90% of the missions i see only wisp, saryn, mesa, wukong, octavia, ash + latest released frame/prime. Nezha Empyrean Collection. Reaping Chakram. Send nearby enemies flying with a powerful short-range shockwave. Advertisement Coins. If you’re on the front lines, however, Umbral Vitality is a good option. Momentum C Bronze 3p 3. Reaping Chakram is ok but like you said it’s just not really that noticeable, especially at higher levels. 5 0. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch. Like baruuk 4 or nekros loot dady augments. Akkad, Hydron, Kuva Siphon, Kuva Floods, Rescues, Survivals, nothing. It's freed up some space in my build to drop Vitality and run 2 augments - Safeguard and Reaping Chakram. The damage from the Augment does NOT happen, damage is never doubled, while piercing is retained. Each chakram will only hit each enemy once (except charged chakram which. The first one is being Contagion Cloud which is what this Saryn setup is build around which creates a 5 meter toxic cloud which is affected by power range that deals 300 toxin damage a second which is affected by power strength for 12 second which is affected by power duration. ITEM RANK. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. You see where I'm going with this. CryptoWARFRAME中文维基. After some testing, I'm actually surprised by how fun and effective this augment is. Streamline. So, sometimes you see a glorious carnage (for ex. continuity and stretch. Pyroclastic Flow and Reaping Chakram are both good too. The Arcane Guardian improves his Warding Halo greatly. What this mod does is make your chakram pass through enemies, multiplies its damage and further increases chance for health orbs to drop. Reaping Chakram doubles the damage per enemy hit by each chakram. If you like Blazing Chakram, I recommend picking up his Reaping Chakram augment which increases the chance of a health or energy orb drop from enemies hit by his ring when they die. [WARFRAME] Surging Chakram NEZHA | vs Level 5000+ | Steel Path - Hard Mode Survival | MILLIONS OF DAMAGE!-----What's good folks?!I. subscribers . Maybe adding some marking system of some kind would help? Or make the ability work closer to the way Shuriken does, allowing the Chakram to hit every enemy in a cone through obstacles? This is pretty much what makes Shuriken. You, a mysterious warrior with a dark past, wield gun, blade, and the spectacular power of your Warframe. Nova: Neuron Star and Molecular Fission are both ways of keeping Null Star at max damage reduction, which some people value but I'd rather just swap Null Star out with Helminth entirely for Pillage. In comparison, the Standard Glaive Has no form of homing capability, more or less forcing you to deal with a largely pointless bouncing around or slot in quick return. png. Reaping chakram bounces back from Mutalist Quanta infested ball, rather than going through it, like many other warframes abilities (ember's. Additionally it increases the spawn percentage for health orbs for each enemy hit. 000 damage light build. Each enemy hit increases it’s damage and healing by 2x. In some situations that runs up my fire accuracy, tho I'm mostly melee and the Blazing Chakram (paired with a Reaping Chakram. His 1 is awesome passive cc and good passive. CryptoI’ve recently been playing nezha again and I realize he isn’t the best character so what ability do you think I could remove and which one should I…Business, Economics, and Finance. Nezha Devine Skin. Put Synth Fiber and Vaccum on a sentinel. This combination will almost always keep you with high Energy and Health, so you can spam Chakrams and Divine Spears to your heart's content. Ducanator. Good self sustain. It will instead launch a punch-through Chakram at the direction of the. What is a good Reaping Chakram Nezha build? 3 umbra Melee aura Augment in exilus to disable passive Adaptation Another augment for chakram Exiulibrium Flow Continuity All abilitys in use Doing solo steel path kaskade +-50 ecvilisers with it Oh and an arcane guard + arcane energize so u could throw a lot of chakrams in those spikes to see the world burnThe last nezha build is a balanced one. See more posts like this in r/FanTheories. Business, Economics, and Finance. It works like this: Use your 4 to spear a bunch of enemies then press 2 to throw a flaming hula hoop at them. Nezha's Reaping Chakram stopped doing any significant damage long time ago. Blazing Chakram Augment: Each enemy hit increases the ring's Damage by ?x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +?x. Larva works better for charged Blazing Chakram throws as Divine. 0: has a niche in some Eidolon hunting builds, but just doesn't do enough to justify regular use, especially with how Reload Speed suffers from diminishing returns. Reaping Chakram is a Warframe Augment Mod for Nezha that causes the projectile of Blazing Chakram to increase the caused damage for each enemy hit by the attack. Blinding divinity seems really good but I’m not sure if it’s worth a mod slot on Nezha over Reaping Chakram or Warding Halo Weeping spears seems fun but fair because it kinda just does what any AOE status weapon like the Nukor, Status Gaze Secondary, or Zhuge Prime can do but if you spear 5 enemies and hit them all with an AOE status weapon. You can also slot equilibrium in place of streamline. Reaping Chakram's function makes the ability a much more consistent ability to use practically. Halo is buggy, and he can still get one-shot through the invuln phase. Augmented/Vigor for strength; HELMINTH OPTIONS. [Change] Blazing Chakram will no longer bounce. High efficiency, moderate range and strenght, 95% duration, great. When used with his reaping chakram. Or you could replace safeguard since in the content Nezha is getting oneshot through his Halo other players must've brought smth. 5x and the chance for enemies to drop Health Orbs on death by +0. And if you use reaping chakram,. 11. Nezha's chakram creates a forced health orb drop chance on top of the regular drop chance for each enemy killed. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Share.